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Spanish Retreats Newsletter No.310 Properties For Sale & Rentals

Spanish Retreats Newsletter No. 310 with Properties that have just come on to our Books (Spanish Retreats Ltd) in conjunction with Daydream Villas. Please click the link for details.
Tel 0034 96-679-0844 or
0034 679-779-122 to view any of these properties


Spanish Retreats Newsletter No.310 Properties For Sale & Rentals

Spanish Retreats Newsletter No. 310 with Properties that have just come on to our Books (Spanish Retreats Ltd) in conjunction with Daydream Villas. Please click the link for details.
Tel 0034 96-679-0844 or
0034 679-779-122 to view any of these properties


Spanish Retreats Newsletter No.310 Properties For Sale & Rentals

Spanish Retreats Newsletter No. 310 with Properties that have just come on to our Books (Spanish Retreats Ltd) in conjunction with Daydream Villas. Please click the link for details.
Tel 0034 96-679-0844 or
0034 679-779-122 to view any of these properties


Spanish Retreats Newsletter No.310 Properties For Sale & Rentals

Spanish Retreats Newsletter No. 310 with Properties that have just come on to our Books (Spanish Retreats Ltd) in conjunction with Daydream Villas. Please click the link for details.
Tel 0034 96-679-0844 or
0034 679-779-122 to view any of these properties





23.45 hours. Retreat by the Moors and Christians. Start on Valencia Street to the Cort Theatre.


19.45 hours. Collection charges.

20.10 hours: Concentration of all / I the / os champions / os and charges festive side of the Moor in the Moors of Kabila and concentration of ALFEITAMI / o the / os champions / os and festive side's positions in the Christian barracks of the smugglers. Departure to the Cort Theatre.

20.30 hours. Mini street parade Capdepón Tomas to Plaza de la Constitution.

21.30 hours. Concentration of authority in front of City Hall.

21.45 hours. Presentation of the 2011 festive office in the Plaza of the Constitution and proclamation by Mr. BERNE CANDIDO CHANNELS.

22.45 hours. Bando Embassy Takes Moro Castle.

23.45 hours. Inauguration of Kabila and Cuartelillos. First, Comparsa Comparsa Moros smugglers and then the Alfeitami.

After the opening dance in Kabila and firehouse.


8.00 hours. Awakened by the Moro and Christian Bandos. Focus on the castle gates.

20.30 hours. Input bands participating in the parade. They do so in the opposite direction of the parade (from Cortes to Valencia Street Theatre).

21.30 hours. Parade. Entry delay. Focus on Valencia Street.

After the parade Dancing in Kabila and firehouse.


8.00 hours. Awakened by the Moro and Christian Bandos. Focus on the castle gates.

19.45 hours. Input bands participating in the parade. They do so in the opposite direction of the parade. From Cortes to Valencia Street Theatre.

22.00 hours. Parade. Christian input. Focus on Valencia Street.

After the parade Dancing Cuartelillos Kabila.


8.00 hours. Awakened by the Moro and Christian Bandos. Focus on the castle gates.

11.00 hours. Concentration of the banners and titles of the Moro Bando Kabila of the Moors of Alfeitami and flags and titles of Christian side in the barracks of the Smugglers. Departure to Constitution Square.

11.30 hours. Embassy of the barrel in the Plaza of the Constitution.

20.30 hours. Collection charges.

21.10 hours. Concentration of all / I the / os champions / os and festive side's positions on the Moor of the Moors of Kabila and concentration of ALFEITAMI / o the / os champions / os and festive side's positions in the barracks of Christian smugglers. Departure to the Place de la Constitution.

21.30 hours. Christian Embassy and Decision Bando del Castillo.

23.00 hours. Kabila and dance firehouse.



This Saturday evening La Cubanita goes back in time with music from the 60's , 70's and 80's...
We have a special plate called Mixta Temba (pork chop, chicken, fish and gambas ) for 8,50
Enjoy a nice evening out with music from yesterday @ La Cubanita


Guardamar Beach

It was packed at Guardamar today you could not move. Had all the family their with us from Scotland and they loved it. We had a lovely lunch at one of the bars on the promenade and really chilled out. We all enjoyed our day and shall be trying La Marina beach tomorrow as friends have said that this is also a lovely beach and less crowded.
If there is anyone who has any other suggestions on any nice beaches that are not too far please let me know. Thanks

Posted less than a minute ago by babyfour at rocketmail


we love santa pola beach we always take our granchildren there as there as no waves and you can walk out in the sea for ages and it never goes above your knees only down side is it costs us a fortune on the way home as we have to pass mcdonalds lol

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-07-11 21:17:11 UTC

Thank you for that, its another beach we can visist and if its nice and shallow as you say it will be great for the whole family. Gracias

Commented babyfour in Torrevieja 2011-07-13 15:53:30 UTC

I always end up at La zenia and walk round to calla capitan. Then i have 2 options for food or drink. 1st walk back to La zenia to the restaurant beside the beach. or 2nd take the path to the marina at cabo roig. Long walk but nice, the beaches are nice to. oh yea, both beaches have beach bars if money is not an option lol

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-13 17:39:10 UTC

Thank you Chalk Face for the 2 more options of beaches to use. I did not even think of anything past Torrevieja town. Are they crowded?

Commented babyfour in Torrevieja 2011-07-13 19:06:14 UTC

There are more English on the la Zenia side, on the calla Capitan side there is a little island to walk out to, lots of fish in the water if you snorkel and a shallow bay if you have smaller children. I can't recall ever seeing a jelly fish, I think it may be netted but don't quote me on that.
So if you go enjoy and let us all know what you think.

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-14 09:55:54 UTC

The White Swan

We have just got home from an excellent evening at The White Swan (La Marina urb - grey area). It was Karaoke evening with Jimmy Mac. We had a lovely meal sitting outside in the lovely breeze.
Jimmy Mac is entertaining here each Wednesday evening throughout the Summer - what a good entertainer and such personality !!

La Marina

Pet Insurance

For the interest of Pet Owners:

Cover includes
- Compensation for damage caused by the animal.
Deposits and legal assistance in the case of claims based on damages covered by the policy.
Accidents, including cost of veterinary attention, putting down and elimination of remains, with compensation for death.
Theft or loss.
In the event the animal is lost, we refund the costs of radio and press advertisements.
All for 70 euros for the year

For more info please do not hesitate to call Stephen 633 692 828

Pet Insurance

For the interest of Pet Owners:

Cover includes
- Compensation for damage caused by the animal.
Deposits and legal assistance in the case of claims based on damages covered by the policy.
Accidents, including cost of veterinary attention, putting down and elimination of remains, with compensation for death.
Theft or loss.
In the event the animal is lost, we refund the costs of radio and press advertisements.
All for 70 euros for the year

For more info please do not hesitate to call Stephen 633 692 828

Weergave berichts 82591 - 82600 van 86565 in totaal